Thursday, December 15, 2011

Response to Kingsley's persuasive speech (skept)

Kingsley urged the audience to consider what we buy and where our food comes from.  He showed us that it is possible to buy local on a budget, and proved it by investigating and comparing prices of staple food items at a typical grocery store and at a farm stand.  The audience concerns here would have been cost (local foods tend to be more expensive) and convenience.  But Kingsley showed us that the prices are not significantly higher--so, for example, factory eggs may cost $1.19 and free range eggs may cost $2 or $3.  He demonstrated that the benefits of buying local outweigh the perceived convenience and cost issues; buying local serves to boost the local economy, allows a connection between farmer and consumer (know where it is coming from and how it is treated...notes that there have been recalls on factory-made eggs and beef...), and is generally the healthier option (grocery store options have chemicals, high fructose corn syrup...), which could potentially cut down future health issues/costs.  What I found to be the most persuasive aspect of the speech was the fact that Kingsley actually went out to the store and farm stand to do the price investigations himself.  This made him more credible as a speaker.

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