Thursday, December 15, 2011

Response to Navaiera's commemorative speech

Navaiera decided to commemorate the King of Pop: Michael Jackson.  This was a bold choice, as there are many mixed opinions about him, his music, and his character.  Her personal connection to the honoree was integrated throughout the speech, much of it anecdotal; I liked this approach because it made the audience view things her way.  Not only did Navaiera talk about his professional accomplishments (which were many: changed the music industry with his special effects, dance moves and choreography, bridged the race gap by being the first black mega-music-star...etc), but she also spoke about his personal attributes.  These personal qualities included humanitarian acts ("heal the world," donating money..), dealing with his skin lightening medical condition, and the creation of Neverland where underpriveledged children could go to play.  I enjoyed Navaiera's enthusiasm during this speech; her gestures, tone of voice, everything, were conducive to effectively portraying Michael Jackson as a commendable figure. 

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