Thursday, December 15, 2011

Response to Luke's commemorative speech

Luke chose to commemorate the organization called Teen Challenge, a program that changes lives, relieving addiction, by demonstrating and instilling Biblical principles (referred to as the "Jesus factor").  Spiritual growth was identified as the only way for suffering individuals to experience a sustained recovery.  The program does more than help overcome addictions; the Biblical principles can be applied in all aspects of life, giving hope, learning to take responsibilities for their actions, restoring relationships, and reestablishing lives.  Citing the success of several "graduates" was a good decision, as this strengthened the audience's ability to see this program, which many of us had never before heard of, as commendable and worthy of our respect and admiration.  The only critique I have to offer Luke is that he should have established his personal connection with the program more thoroughly; I think it was not until the question/answer session when we were able to get these answers.

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