Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Response to Caitlin's unconventional wisdom speech

Caitlin chose an interesting topic, although I guess all of the topics spoken about were unconventional...nonetheless I really enjoyed this one.  She chose to talk about the importance of forgiveness, less for the sake of forgiveness itself than for the sake of the forgiver.  Bringing up valid points about the side-effects of holding a grudge, Caitlin cited several studies that had to do with the physiological effects/health issues related to grudge-holding, including increased blood pressure.  These points seemed strong to me and were effective in making the audience really think about her topic in a new way.  Although I did notice Caitlin referring to her note cards more often than she usually does, I did make note that I had felt that she still made adequate eye contact during her speech, which gave the impression of confidence in her words.  The speech itself seemed to flow differently than is typical of her speeches, less conversational; but I didn't see this as a bad thing, just different.

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