Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Response to Caitlin's persuasive speech (symp)

I had the opportunity to work with Caitlin on Thursday (10/20) before the speeches began, to see how she prepared for her presentation.  As it turns out, she seemed to be so familiar with the facts associated with her speech that she did not choose to try to memorize/rehearse the wording on her outline--this may explain why her speeches tend to be more conversational than dictated; I like it though.  For this speech Caitlin chose to talk about animal testing for cosmetic purposes.  She defined "cosmetic", explained the suffering endured by test animals (which was appalling, by the way), and then went into the policy aspects.  She said "um" a noticeable amount of times but it was not too distracting (I probably only noticed because I was looking for things to critique)--she spoke with conviction and clearly has strong feelings on the issue.

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